20/52 Eternal Grey
Plod Bob Plod, the heads are all bobbing Down the platform towards their offices
Flat Flat Flat, my head feels flat This weeks an effort, am I heading towards a crisis?
Hang on and wait? Note the symptoms? What will I see? Hang on and wait until I’ve tried 12 weeks of C.B.T?
I think about Christmas, will I have merriment and cheer? Or will I have my sad head down immersed in tears and beer?
They plod and bob in the morning Then eventually wake up to an exciting day
I plod and plod through the week immersed in eternal grey
(Further verse below added at a later date)
The grey turning to blackness is my concern Need to take a day off work
I've been down this path so many times now no longer feel like a jerk.
If IT is depression,IT's got to be beaten so I remember from whence I've came. The journey I have travelled, The acceptance no longer shame.
So I read my inspirations and about my journey that has so far come to pass, and focus on the blackness of IT today: I'm ready to kick IT's ass!
21/52 Trapped in a Grey Bubble
I’m trapped in a grey bubble, IT keeps me inside I’ve nowhere to run , nowhere to hide Those who come close see the tears and the pain But I feel so ashamed as they watch helpless again.
I knew in my heart IT would be back now I've choices to make to get me on track. If I had loads of money leaving work would be fine I could give myself plenty of self healing time
With child and work commitments; a mortgage and the bills The quickest way out is to go back on those pills. But they don’t cure all the ills.